Implementing Decision No. 17/QD-KĐCLGD dated February 15, 2022 of the Director of the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation (KĐCLGD) – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CTĐHCĐVN) on the establishment of a delegation External evaluation (Evaluation) of educational institutions (CSGD) University of Transport Technology (GTVT). On February 28, 2022, the Expert Evaluation Team conducted a preliminary survey (KSSB) to serve the Evaluation at the University of Transport Technology.
Participating in KSSB on the side of the Center for Education Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of Community Programs, there is Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga, Director of the Center and 01 officer, supervised the evaluation team.
On the side of the Evaluation Delegation, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Tran Thi Ha, Head of the Evaluation Expert Team, MSc. Dinh Tuan Dung, Secretary of the union and 01 member of the union.
On the side of the University of Transport Technology, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Hoang Long, Principal, Chairman of the Self-Assessment Council (TDG); Dr. Nguyen Van Lam, Deputy Head, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Nguyen Manh Hung, Vice Principal, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; MSc. Ta The Anh, Head of the Department of Testing and Training Quality Assurance, Head of the Secretariat of the SA Council; along with members of the SA Council and specialized groups, representatives of unions and units of the University of Transport Technology.
Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Director of the Center for Education Quality Accreditation gave a speech and discussion with the University of Transport Technology
The KSSB delegation agreed on working principles with the School, announced the results of the School’s self-assessment research, agreed on the number and subjects invited to be interviewed, and the facilities and equipment to be used. visit, survey….
Associate Professor, PhD. Tran Thi Ha, Head of the Evaluation Delegation, spoke at the discussion with the University of Transport Technology
The Center Director, the Evaluation Delegation and the Leaders of the University of Transport Technology agreed on the preparation contents and time plan to serve the KSCT.
At the end of the KSSB inspection day, the Director of the Center for Quality Assessment of Education, Head of the Evaluation Expert Team and the Principal of the University of Transport Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding after the SB of the Evaluation Expert Team.
Signing the Minutes of Supervision to serve the evaluation of educational institutions at the University of Transport Technology