On December 25, 2019, the external evaluation expert team (DGN), established by the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation (KĐCLGD) – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CTĐHCĐVN), conducted a survey. Preliminary survey of 03 undergraduate training programs (Food Industry; Electronics Technology; Banking and Finance) at the University of Industrial Economics and Technology, to prepare for the survey. Officially according to the educational quality accreditation process of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The team of experts from GGN conducted KSSB 03 training programs at the University of Industrial Economics and Technology
Participating in the preliminary survey day of 03 training programs at the University of Industrial Economics and Technology on the part of the Center for Educational Qualification – Vietnam Association of Red Cross Programs, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Center Director; Associate Professor, PhD. Tran Thi Ha, Deputy Director of the Center – Head of the Evaluation Delegation; MSc. Dinh Tuan Dung, Head of Quality Assessment Department – Secretary of the Evaluation Delegation Ms. Nguyen Thi Tam Trinh and MSc. Tong Thanh Trung – Center Officer. On the side of the School, working with the Expert Evaluation Team, there was Dr. Tran Hoang Long – School Principal, Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Tran Duc Can, Party Committee Secretary, Vice Rector – Vice Chairman of the SA Council, PhD. Nguyen Ngoc Khuong – Vice Principal, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Vu Phuong Lan, Deputy Dean – in charge of the Faculty of Food Technology, Standing Vice Chairman of the Council for Self-Evaluation of Food Technology training programs; MSc. Do Thi Minh Hanh Faculty Assistant – Secretary of the SA Council, Associate Professor Dr. Vo Thu Ha, – Head of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Standing Vice Chairman of the Council for self-assessment of the training program in Electronics Engineering Technology; MSc. Vu Duy Hung – Deputy Head of Department in charge of industrial electricity, Secretary of the Self-Evaluation Council; Dr. Phung Thi Lan Huong – Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Self-Assessment Council of the Banking and Finance Industry; Dr. Dang Huong Giang – Head of the Department of Commercial Banking, Secretary of the Self-Evaluation Council, along with members of the three Self-Evaluation Councils, specialized groups and representatives of organizations and units of Kinh University Industrial Engineering.
The main content of the preliminary survey day includes:
Signed Minutes of Preliminary Survey of 03 training programs at the University of Industrial Economics and Technology
At the end of the preliminary survey day, the Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of General Education Programs, Head of the Evaluation Expert Team and Principal of the University of Industrial Economics and Technology jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding after the preliminary survey of the Delegation. DGN family. The official survey time of the Expert Evaluation Team at the School was agreed to begin on January 6, 2020 and end on January 12, 2020..
Some pictures of the activities of the Evaluation Team during the preliminary survey: