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Closing ceremony of the official survey for external assessment at the University of Industrial Technology, Thai Nguyen University

On April 28, 2017, the Center for Education Quality Accreditation (Education Quality Accreditation Center) – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (VNA Association of Colleges and Universities) coordinated with the University of Industrial Technology (KTCN) ) – Thai Nguyen University (Thai Nguyen University) held the closing ceremony of the official survey (KSCT) to serve the external assessment (Evaluation) of the University of Technology and Industry.

Attending the closing ceremony were the Director of the Center for Education and Training – Vietnam Association of Community Council; Evaluation expert team; Representative of Thai Nguyen University; Board of Directors of KTCCN University, leaders of units and departments in the University and representatives of lecturers, staff, staff and learners of the University.

After five days of surveying, studying documents, and interviewing employers; students, graduate students, graduate students, alumni, former graduate students and former graduate students; School Leadership Board; Leaders of mass organizations, faculties, centers, functional departments, and lecturer representatives; Visiting the school’s facilities and campus, etc., Head of the external expert evaluation team –  Prof.Dr.KH. Banh Tien Long presented the Preliminary Report on the results of assessing the quality of education at KTCCN University. The preliminary results report clearly stated the school’s strengths; At the same time, the Evaluation Team makes recommendations for the School to promote its strengths and overcome shortcomings with the aim of continuously improving quality.

Prof. Dr. Science. Banh Tien Long - Head of the Inspection Delegation presented the Preliminary Report on the results of the Inspection at the Closing Ceremony of the Inspection to serve the Assessment of the University of Technology and Industry - Thai Nguyen University

Prof. Dr. Science. Banh Tien Long – Head of the Inspection Delegation presented the preliminary report on the results of CTD
at the closing ceremony of the KSCT round to serve the evaluation of the University of Technology and Industry – Thai Nguyen University

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duy Cuong - Principal of the University of Industrial Engineering gave his opinion at the Closing Ceremony of the KTCT period to serve the assessment of evaluation at the University.

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duy Cuong – Principal of the University of Industrial Engineering gave his opinion at the Closing Ceremony of the KTCT period to serve the assessment of evaluation at the University.

Accepting the recommendations of the Evaluation Expert Team in the Preliminary Report on the results of education quality assessment, Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Duy Cuong – Principal of the School affirmed that the School has and will have feasible plans and solutions to implement the recommendations of the Evaluation Team.

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga - Director of Education Quality Control Center - Vietnam Association of General Education Programs expressed his opinion at the Closing Ceremony of the CTCT round to serve the evaluation of education at the University of Technology and Industry.

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Director of Education Quality Control Center – Vietnam Association of General Education Programs expressed his opinion at the Closing Ceremony of the CTCT round to serve the evaluation of education at the University of Technology and Industry.

At the end of the closing session, the Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of Community Councils, the Head of the external evaluation expert team and the Principal of the University of Industrial Engineering signed the minutes of completion of the official survey to serve the quality assessment of the school.

Signing the minutes of completion of the KTC at the Closing Ceremony of the KST to serve the Evaluation of the University of Technology and Industry - Thai Nguyen University

Signing the minutes of completion of the KTC at the Closing Ceremony of the KST to serve the Evaluation of the University of Technology and Industry – Thai Nguyen University