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Official survey serving external assessment of Hai Phong University

On the morning of March 4, 2018, in Hai Phong City, the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation (KĐCLGD) – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CTĐHCĐVN) coordinated with Hai Phong University to organize held the opening ceremony of the official survey to serve the external assessment of Hai Phong University according to the university quality assessment standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.

The delegation took souvenir photos with the Board of Directors of Hai Phong University

Attend the opening ceremony:

On the side of the Education Quality Accreditation Center, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Center Director; Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan – Chief of Central Office, and MSc. Tong Thanh Trung, Center specialist.

On the side of the external expert evaluation team, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Le Phuoc Minh – Head of Delegation; MSc. Dinh Tuan Dung – Union Secretary; Associate Professor, PhD. Pham Van Quyet – Permanent member; Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet and Associate Professor. Dr. Nguyen Van Uyen is a member of the Evaluation Delegation.

On the side of Hai Phong University, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Pham Van Cuong, Principal, Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Duong Duc Hung, Chairman of the School Council, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Bui Dinh Hung, PhD. Doan Quang Manh, PhD. Nguyen Thi Hien, Vice Principal, Vice Chairwoman of the SA Council; Dr. Le Dang Nguyen, Head of the Department of Auditing and Quality Assurance, Standing member of the SA Council and representative of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Heads of Departments, Boards, Faculty, and Subjects under the University, members of the Self-Education Council. reviewers, faculty representatives, employers, alumni and students.

Chief of Office of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment – HH CTĐHCĐVN announced the Decision to establish the Delegation of Education Evaluation Experts at Hai Phong University

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga, Director of the Center for Educational Quality Evaluation, spoke at the Closing Ceremony of the evaluation period to serve the evaluation of Hai Phong University.

Associate Professor, PhD. Pham Van Cuong, Principal, Chairman of the Self-Evaluation Council presented an overview report on the School’s activities, which emphasized the strengths, opportunities – challenges for the School and solutions. solutions to improve the quality of education and meet the needs of society.

Rector of Hai Phong University reported at the KSCT Opening Ceremony to serve external evaluation of Hai Phong University

The QSCT round to serve the assessment was conducted from March 4, 2018 to March 8, 2018. The team of experts from the GGN conducted a survey, researched documents, and interviewed employers; former learner; learner; School Leadership Board; Leaders of mass organizations, faculties, departments, centers, functional departments, and lecturer representatives; survey to collect feedback from relevant parties, assess the employment status of graduates via direct phone calls with graduates and visit the University’s facilities to verify the information according to the School’s self-assessment report, thereby providing recommendations to help the School improve and improve quality.

Associate Professor, PhD. Le Phuoc Minh reported summarizing the results of the KSCT at the Closing Ceremony of the KST round to serve the Evaluation of Hai Phong University.

The closing ceremony of the KSCT round to serve the assessment of Hai Phong University was held on March 8, 2018. At the Closing Ceremony of the CST, Head of the External Evaluation Expert Team, Associate Professor, PhD. Le Phuoc Minh presented the preliminary report on the results of assessing the quality of education at Hai Phong University. The report clearly stated the strengths of the School and the recommendations of the Evaluation Expert Team for the School to promote its strengths and overcome shortcomings with the aim of continuously improving quality.

Accepting the recommendations of the Evaluation Expert Team in the Preliminary Report on the results of education quality assessment, Associate Professor, PhD. Pham Van Cuong, Principal of the School, affirmed that the School has and will have feasible plans and solutions to implement the recommendations of the Evaluation Expert Team.

At the end of the closing session, Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of General Education Programs, Head of the Delegation of Education Experts and Associate Professor, PhD. Pham Van Cuong – Secretary of the Party Committee, Principal of the School, Chairman of the SA Council signed the minutes of completion of the official survey to assess the quality of the school.

Signing the minutes of completion of the KSCT round at the Closing Ceremony of the KSCT round to serve the Evaluation of Hai Phong University