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Official survey serving external assessment of 03 university level training programs of the University of Industrial Economics and Technology

On January 6, 2020, the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CĐHCĐVN) coordinated with the University of Economics and Industrial Technology to organize the opening of the survey. Officially serving the external assessment of 03 university-level training programs (Food Technology major; Electronics Engineering Technology major; Banking and Finance major) according to Circular 12/2017/ TT-BGDDT dated May 19, 2017 of the Minister of Education and Training.

The delegation of experts from the GGN took a souvenir photo with the leaders of the University of Industrial Economics and Technology

Tham dự lễ khai mạc về phía Trung tâm Kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục có PGS.TS. Nguyễn Phương Nga – Giám đốc Trung tâm; Bà Nguyễn Thị Tâm Trinh và ThS Tống Thành Trung – Cán bộ Hỗ trợ hành chính cho Đoàn chuyên gia Đánh giá ngoài. Về phía Đoàn chuyên gia Đánh giá ngoài có PGS.TS. Trần Thị Hà – Trưởng đoàn; ThS. Đinh Tuấn Dũng – Thư ký Đoàn; PGS.TS. Phạm Văn Quyết, GS.TS. Nguyễn Quang Dong, PGS.TS. Bùi Duy Cam và TS. Lê Huy Tùng là thành viên Đoàn. Phía Trường Đại học Kinh tế -Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp có TS. Trần Hoàng Long – Hiệu trưởng Nhà trường, Chủ tịch Hội Đồng TĐG; TS. Trần Đức Cân, Bí thư Đảng ủy, Phó Hiệu trưởng – Phó Chủ tịch Hội đồng TĐG, TS. Nguyễn Ngọc Khương – Phó Hiệu trưởng, Phó Chủ tịch Hội đồng TĐG; TS. Vũ Phương Lan, Phó Trưởng khoa – phụ trách Khoa Công nghệ Thực phẩm, Phó Chủ tịch thường trực Hội đồng Tự đánh giá CTĐT ngành Công nghệ Thực phẩm; ThS. Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh -Trợ lý Khoa – Thư ký Hội đồng TĐG, PGS.TS Võ Thu Hà – Trưởng Khoa Điện, Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Hội đồng tự đánh giá CTĐT ngành Công nghệ kỹ thuật Điện, Điện tử; ThS. Vũ Duy Hưng – Phó Bộ môn phụ trách bộ môn Điện công nghiệp, Thư ký Hội đồng Tự đánh giá; TS. Phùng Thị Lan Hương -Trưởng Khoa Tài chính – Ngân hàng, Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực Hội đồng Tự đánh giá CTĐT ngành Tài chính Ngân hàng; TS. Đặng Hương Giang – Trưởng Bộ môn Ngân hàng Thương mại, Thư ký Hội đồng tự đánh giá, cùng các thành viên của 03 Hội đồng Tự đánh giá, các Nhóm chuyên trách và đại diện các đoàn thể, đơn vị của Trường Đại học Kinh tế -Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp.

Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Director of Education Quality Center expressed his opinion at the Opening Ceremony
The KSCT round served the assessment of the training program of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology

The official survey to serve the assessment begins from January 6 to January 12, 2020. The team of external assessment experts conducted surveys, researched documents, and interviewed employers; former learner; learner; School Leaders; Leaders of mass organizations, faculties, departments, centers, functional departments, and lecturer representatives; Collect feedback from stakeholders; phone assessment of employment status of 651 graduates; Observe the facilities, laboratories, practice rooms and departments of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology to verify the information in the University’s self-assessment report, thereby providing recommendations. Suggestions to help improve and enhance the training quality of the School.

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Thi Ha – Head of the Evaluation Delegation reports preliminary survey results at the Closing Ceremony
Official survey to serve the evaluation of 03 training programs of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology

After 7 working days, the Closing Ceremony of the Official Survey to serve the Evaluation of 03 university-level training programs of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology was held at 10:00 on January 12, 2020. At the Closing Ceremony of the Official Survey, Head of the external assessment expert team – Associate Professor, PhD. Tran Thi Ha presented the preliminary report on the results of quality assessment of 03 university-level training programs of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology. The report of the Evaluation Team clearly stated the school’s strengths; At the same time, the Evaluation Team makes recommendations for the School to promote its strengths and overcome shortcomings with the aim of continuously improving the training quality of the School.

Absorbing the recommendations of the Expert Evaluation Team in the Preliminary Report on the results of quality assessment of 03 university-level training programs of the University, Dr. Tran Hoang Long – Principal of the School, Chairman of the Council affirmed that the School will have specific and feasible plans and solutions to implement the recommendations of the Evaluation Expert Team.

Dr. Tran Hoang Long – Principal of the School, Chairman of the SA Council expressed his opinion at
Closing Ceremony of the Technical Inspection to serve the Evaluation of 03 Training Programs of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology

At the end of the closing session, the Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of General Education Programs, Head of the Expert Evaluation Team and Principal of the University of Economics and Industrial Technology jointly signed the minutes to complete the official survey to serve Evaluation 03. University level training program of the School.

Signing the Minutes of Completion of the CTST to serve the Evaluation of 03 university-level training programs
at the University of Industrial Technology and Economics

Some pictures of the activities of the GGN Delegation during the survey: