Home » Newest activity » Accreditation » Preliminary survey to serve the external assessment of 03 university level training programs: Information Technology major, Control and Automation Engineering major and Business Administration major of Sao Do University
Preliminary survey to serve the external assessment of 03 university level training programs: Information Technology major, Control and Automation Engineering major and Business Administration major of Sao Do University

Implementing the Decision of the Director of the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation (KĐCLGD) – Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CĐHCĐVN) on establishing an external evaluation team (REG) for 03 training programs ( Curriculum) university level: Information Technology major, Control and Automation Engineering major and Business Administration major of Sao Do University, on the afternoon of January 24, 2022, the Delegation of Evaluation Experts deployed Preliminary survey (KSSB) in online form to serve assessment of 03 training programs of Sao Do University. Participating in the online KSSB on the side of the Center for Education Quality Assessment – Vietnam Association of Community Councils, there was Associate Professor. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Nga – Center Director; Dr. Pham Xuan Thanh – Deputy Director of the Center and Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Chief of the Center Office.

On the side of the External Evaluation Team, there was Associate Professor, PhD. Tran Thi Ha – Former Director of the Department of Higher Education – Ministry of Education and Training, Head of the delegation; MSc. Dinh Tuan Dung, Secretary of the union.

The bridgehead of Hanoi (Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment, Head of the Evaluation Delegation and representative of the Evaluation delegation) is discussing with the bridgehead of Sao Do University in Hai Duong on the online screen.

From the beginning of the bridge, Sao Do University looked up at the online screen and discussed with the KSSB Delegation (Director of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment, Head of the Evaluation Delegation and representative of the Evaluation Delegation) at the Hanoi bridge end.

On the side of Sao Do University, there was Dr. Dinh Van Nhuong – Principal, Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen – Vice Principal, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Do Van Dinh – Vice Principal; Dr. Nguyen Minh Tuan – Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; MSc. Pham Van Kien – Deputy Dean, in charge of the Faculty of Information Technology, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; Dr. Nguyen Trong Cac – Head of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Vice Chairman of the SA Council; along with members of the SA Council, specialized groups, representatives of unions and units of Sao Do University.

The bridgehead of Sao Do University on the online screen is discussing with the bridgehead in Hanoi of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment and representatives of the Evaluation Delegation on KSSB day.

Work done by the Inspection Team: The Team watched the School’s Video introducing some images of the preparation of the location, rooms, documents and work to ensure service for the KSCT at the School. The delegation agreed on working principles with the School, announced the results of the School’s self-assessment research, agreed on the number and subjects invited to be interviewed, and the facilities and equipment to be visited. , survey etc…

The Center Director, the Evaluation Delegation and the Leaders of Sao Do University agreed on the preparation contents and time plan to serve the inspection period from February 9, 2022 to February 15, 2022.

At the end of the KSSB, the Director of the Education Quality Evaluation Center, the Head of the Evaluation Expert Team and the Principal of Sao Do University agreed on the content of the Memorandum of Understanding after the SB of the Evaluation Expert Team to sign.